Well, today, the moving target has now moved into "but we just want a colorblind world!". See Maher, Bill, and Adams, Scott (when he's not telling people to stay away from Black people).
This claim that they want a colorblind world is, of course, a big fat load of BS. Even if you can find some kind of benign influence in that kind of talk, we can't live in a colorblind society when one of the two major political parties is a Christo-nationalist defender of institutionalized racism (and the other is a corporate stooge). But I'd argue further that as long as there is one white racist walking around, we can't live in a colorblind society.
These folks who are trying this new argument won't acknowledge that the only way for us to get to a colorblind society is through them, and they're blocking the way.
We seem to be going backwards. These people are digging in.