We have a pretty screwed up system of government when Joe Manchin is the swing vote on a $4 trillion infrastructure bill.
The latest I've read (it changes) is that he's on board if it's paid for. Well, Joe, credit is so cheap that it is basically paid for. Read up on Krugman, who won a Nobel, Joe, and get on board.
But there's another problem regarding America's failed state.
Even if the infrastructure bill passes, the feds will mess it up so bad that we'll have True Detective Season 2 littered all across the land.
We here in America think everything has to be administered locally. Republicans have been grinding that message into our heads forever.
To the point that everyone believes it. So the money will get doled out without any oversight. There will be a lot of happy, richer Republican senators - some may even vote for the thing.
And guess what happens next? Graft out the wazoo.
I'm not saying I'm against this kind of bill. I am happy that it's even being presented by Biden, who is more ambitious than I ever could have hoped.
I'm just saying, don't get your hopes up too much that there won't be a clusterforce of problems.