Too bad there's no way for Redditors to "seize the company," as it were. At least, none that comes to mind.
I have never been a "redditor" but I've been a casual user for many years. Its algorithm has never tried to guide me to any of its toxic groups, so I've had zero exposure to them. I guess you need to actively seek them out to find them.
The emails I have gotten from them over the years always seem to do a good job of only suggesting groups I'd at least have a casual interest in.
Oddly, one of those groups recently was a Midjourney group. I've never scoured Reddit in a way that would lead me to a Midjourney group. I'm a member of its Discord channel, which means that my activity is tracked by Google in such a way that Reddit can discover it.
I'm not crazy about that but I know there are things I can do to cut that off. I don't bother because all that tracking never leads the tracking tech to guide me to anything unpleasant. Still, though, seeing Midjourney there surprised me. I joined the reddit group anyway, lol.
With Reddit, though, I'm more of a lurker than a participant. But if it disappears, it'll be missed because it offers a lot of good info.