This of course is all great stuff and true, but how do we get past the "Preaching to the choir" point?
How do we reach those who are either blinded, or don't agree? I can't imagine many of your readers disagree with your assessments.
So, what are next steps?
My own feeling is that we need to think like Republicans. Not morally, of course, but strategically. Take over local school boards and city councils and even PTAs. Get involved locally, and start to win some states back.
And for God's sake, push Biden and Company to implement a WPA 2.0 that will reach both rural and urban voters.
I think young people yearn for a different economic order, as well. Let's hear about those. Umair has ideas. I'd love to know about others, too. I'm too old to probably ever see them, but it doesn't mean I'm not interested.