This is a good reminder to submit a price form to my publisher on my Kindle. My books are priced almost exactly at what you are complaining about. But I do have the option of requesting the lower price on the Kindle. I have no such options on the paperback.
Interestingly, Amazon dropped the price on the paperback, but then it sold a few copies, and the price shot back up to its original price. When I mentioned this in a Medium story, someone said that Amazon employs something called Dynamic pricing, which may actually be technically illegal.
I have two novels in the queue. One of them is a bit of a potboiler. I've been trying to get an agent for it but haven't gotten through the gateway yet. The other is more serious. I've decided to forego the traditional publishing process for the potboiler and self publish. I'll probably do the Kindle for $1.99 in the hopes of achieving volume.
The other book was a three year project, so I'm playing the long game and will hope I can find an agent for it.
Great article, thanks.