There was a recent ABC News poll, that, even assuming it was a huge outlier, was extremely distressing. How is it possible that within any type of polling segment that Trump is favored over Biden? I don't care if Biden's mental acuity is reduced to a squirrel. He's still got handlers. And trust me, I'm no fan of America's two party system, especially as it stands now.
When I looked at the faces streaming out of the Allen mall, the thing I noticed was that it was a beautiful rainbow of people. People of all colors and nationalities.
So whatever these goons are afraid of has already happened. If they're afraid that the beauty of other cultures will overwhelm their suburban enclaves, they need to look at the people pouring out of that mall on that terrible day.
I only have to say this to them: "Those people" you are so afraid of have already moved in to your neighborhood.
And whether you like it or not, America is a much better place with a massive influx of diversity, culture, and thought.
In fact, this influx is by design. It's the essence of the American Experiment. Folks in my demographic who refuse to take a zero tolerance attitude towards Trumpism's evil do not deserve any respect whatsoever. I don't know exactly how to cancel all these people, but I sure wish I could think of a way.