The only thing that has kind of gotten me stuck on an open borders type of scenario is that question of an orderly way of admittance.
But I think all that would be necessary to capture most of them into the system is to require employers to issue registration cards to immigrants to get them started with the process of legal immigration, and hit employers who try to "hide" their illegals hard.
In other words, just bypass trying to get anything done at the border. Just let 'em through.
I don't worry too much about the way any of our politicians, Biden, Obama, or any other sane one - tries to work around the edges of such a deeply flawed system.
And sadly, I don't see that system changing anytime soon, especially with the two walking stop signs, Sinema and Manchin, in the Senate, acting as Republican proxies.
Even if we have an extremely progressive president, the American people would panic at the concept of open borders.
They don't realize that the Mexican government would completely freak out if all their people started scurrying out, and they'd finally become a more responsible government.
Also, we couldn't have open borders without legalizing drugs, because of cartels.
As you can see, I'm pretty out there when it comes to a lot of stuff. Most Americans would immediately reject both of these ideas.