Thanks. There was also a much smaller kerfuffle over Neil Gorsuch's scholarly work. I didn't research that for this story, so I don't know if his work was plagiarism or, in this case (like many others), just a bit of sloppiness.
I'm pretty careful about citing my sources on my stories here, but my stories don't rise to the same scholastic level. And I don't know what is considered acceptable "sloppiness" in peer-reviewed legal journals other than what I read from some editors out there who seemed to shrug their shoulders at this. One of the people that was supposedly plagiarized emphatically stated that he was not plagiarized, and that her omissions happened in footnote, not the body of her work.
Either way, Gorsuch received nowhere near the same scrutiny for at least equal "offenses", and is now sitting as a Supreme Court justice.
Thanks for the read and comment!