Thanks, Steve -- yes, I appreciate the way you banter back and forth with your readers. It's refreshing - I could do more of that myself.
It's sad that you're accused of anything negative - we need voices like yours that look beyond the tunnels.
I'd say that my hypothetical is based on a true but somewhat amusing story (well, I think it was more amusing for me than my friend).
As you can guess, it's easy for personal experience to color our attitudes.
The experience was this:
When I was a teenager, I was with a very close Black friend of mine perusing a boutique along the Michigan dunes. A little tourist store, basically.
The store owner never took her eyes off my friend.
When we left (this is the funny part because my comment cracked my friend up), I said to him, "Man, I could have cleaned that lady out because she was watching YOU the whole time."
I'll add that when he was laughing, he hit me on the shoulder a little harder than he should have! I think I still have the bruise nearly fifty years later.
Also, I've had experience in the criminal rehaabilitation world in a counseling role (not professionally, only as a volunteer) and I've seen real bias there. So my comments are colored by that, as well.
But it's inexcusable to attack or block you for making good, convincing arguments that bring a really great perspective to the discussion.
And for what it's worth, I agree with your overarching theme that victimization is dangerous. You can actually apply that to all facets of life.
Thanks for the comments. I always enjoy reading your essays.