
Thanks so much and I'm glad you dug this out of my posting past. This must have been one of my earliest posts. Sadly, it didn't get much traction because I had few followers at the time.

I aspire to the kind of grace you discuss in your article, but it isn't easy. At least online. I find myself much less combative when faced with personal interactions with these folks. But I still find myself unable to take them seriously. Avoidance works for me, too.

I appreciate the kind words and look forward to reading more of your stuff. I always get a little disappointed when I find myself interacting with someone on Discord and discovering I am not following that person, lol. :-)



Charles Bastille
Charles Bastille

Written by Charles Bastille

Author of MagicLand & Psalm of Vampires. Join me on my Substack at https://www.ruminato.com/. All stories © 2020-24 by Charles Bastille

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