Thanks, Katharine. Typically amazing thoroughness.
I've been tossing around the idea of reaching out to folks for an invite-only pub, to reduce the "editing" time, but I just haven't had the time. I don't know how Scott and the editors do it, to be honest.
The advantage of an invite-only would be that it would forego the need for hard core editing. The obvious disadvantage is that some would be offended by not getting an invite. That to me sort of trumps the advantage. Can we use the word "trumps" anymore? Seems like we may need to remove the word from the English language.
Someone reached out to me and suggested Dialog and Discourse (I may have that name wrong) but i haven't had a chance to respond (I will soon).
I have pubs I run in my name but, again, no time to open them to other writers.
Part of the problem is that Medium makes running publications absolutely thankless. Scott's experience is a test case in "is it worth it?"
Super well run, no payoff for him other than helping others get some extra clicks.
So for now, I'm just doing my own thing.
Thanks again.