Thanks for your persistent efforts at providing science-based info on the virus. I recently had my fourth shot. It has been an interesting experience.
In December I caught a "cold" but everyone in my immediate circle got Covid. I was unable to get tested at that time (I now have home kits) so I have wondered if I caught Covid and was simply protected by the vaccine from serious symptoms.
But since December I've been feeling extremely fatigued, which is unusual for me, despite the fact I'm in my 60s and take no scrips. So of course, I wondered if I have long term Covid.
Then, I took the fourth vaccine, and I've been feeling considerably less fatigued.
It will get even more interesting when the "upgrade" to Vaccine 2.0 happens and is made available. Your article tells me that I should be in no hurry to take it unless the darn thing mutates into another wave maker.
I'm most definitely not an anti-vaxxer, but I'd like to avoid a fifth vaccine, even if it is reformulated to combat the newer strains.