Thanks for the well researched article. I guess I should have been able to guess that motive but the absurdity of mass shooting denial has sort of given me a bugs bunny approach towards QAnon.
There is an old cartoon where Bugs is in the caboose of a stopped train when he looks out the window to see another train speeding towards it. To deal with his situation, Bugs pulls down the blind of the caboose window.
That's been my approach towards QAnon and nuts like Greene.
I'd be curious to know where people like Sasse and others stood when Trump won his initial primaries. That was when he needed to be stopped. It may have seemed undemocratic to overturn the will of his voters, but he had no business being their candidate. He should have been stopped at the convention. He was an existential threat to this country. We're very lucky he wasn't a warmonger, because having someone like that with his finger on the nuclear trigger was extremely dangerous.
Greene would not exist if he hadn't been president. Well, she'd exist, but she'd just be another weird Facebook ranter eventually getting in trouble with the law.