Thanks for the comment and read. When Bernie first ran, I thought it was a joke. Here was a crusty old social democrat who I'd been admiring for years, but who spoke his mind and didn't really play the kind of politics I had grown used to.
I've always been what Norman Lear calls a horseshit liberal. He calls himself that, too, btw. We know what we believe, but we're not policy wonks.
Bernie, he knows what he believes, and knows his policy up and down.
That's why I thought him running was a joke. How can a guy like Bernie win?
Of course, I voted for him twice, lol.
And damn, he came a lot closer than I would have ever expected.
He came close by appealing to the same crowd Trump did, but he did it with decency and a call to action that made sense to many of us.
But once he lost, I had to vote for the primary winner because I knew the stakes. I saw that image at the top of this story in my head when the 2016 general election happened.
And when all those Bernie supporters yelped about Hillary, that image became more clear by the day.
Thanks again for the comment!