Thanks for the comment and read. I don't feel demonized by my ancestors, who arrived on one of the first English vessels that arrived in the Americas.
I also don't suffer from a case of guilt over it. But I also refuse to accept the Florida governor's view that the American empire was not built on genocide and slavery. He's trying to cover up history. I bet he'd object to the Trail of Tears being taught in his schools if you asked him. Andrew Jackson, a true monster, is probably celebrated in his household.
If you don't think that people are suffering from the effects all these years later, I recommend you visit a rez. Or do a deep dive into the way many urban areas were changed by interstates and red zoning.
I suggest you hide in the back seat of a Black man's car and see what happens when he speeds through a southern Georgia town. Or Alabama. Or Mississippi, or, for that matter, southern Illinois.
Leadbelly was right, but he'd be right today, too. To a lesser extent? Yes. Things are better. But we are very far away from the colorblind society he claims to desire.
I suggest you watch some of the speeches at CPAC. If that doesn't send a shudder down your spine, we probably don't have anythig more to discuss.