Nice comment, thanks.
Clinton was a reaction to Reagan, right? He helped establish the Democratic Leadership Council, which was dedicated to keeping the Democratic Party steered away from its FDR past.
Overall I actually liked Clinton - He was competent, which is an improvement over some of the mush we get. But he was way to the right of my own thinking, both then and now.
You're right about the labels, but I don't think there's any doubt about the direction the country has taken economically.
I kinda wish Dems wouldn't focus so much on some of the social issues, but I do agree with them, and I guess if they don't do it, who will? But it does cost them votes, especially in socially conservative households that lean left economically.
It seems like they could actually get more of their social agenda done if they just shut up about it and focus on the economy and win some elections.