Nice bit of background stuff here, thanks.
I don't normally toot my horn on Medium comment areas for the purposes of publiciity but it's impossible to respond to this without my mentioning it.
The novel I wrote, MagicLand (it will be published in late 2021 by Morgan James Publishing), is set 2,000 +years in the future.
2000+ years before the events in the novel, the power brokers of the world had decided that it would be impossible to sustain earth's population given the radical nature of climate change combined with the huge population explosion that has taken place.
Their answer? A big triage. They decide who on earth is worth keeping and discard the rest by releasing targeted pathogens. Not many make the cut. Luckily, the novel itself is a bit more upbeat.
My point here is that survivability will eventually be dependent on how much money you have. It is already becoming so, is it not?
Got a wad of cash? Buy a beach house. Sell it when things start to look bad, and buy another somewhere else.
The people who can comfortably migrate out of hurricane zones will do so.
Those subsisting in the cyclonic rice fields of Bangladesh will either perish or crowd themselves into already densely packed cities with other desperate refugees.