It's not future shock. It's Ayn Rand shock. It's Reaganism.
You young folks are stuck in a world where it takes two high salaries to buy a decent new house. Your tuition is about a hundred times what I had to pay. I'm not exaggerating that number by much.
The highest tax rates when I was young was 70%. There were also fewer loopholes.
Your cars are a lot better. No more of this stalling at a red light crap I had to deal with, but they cost a whole bunch more, too.
Health care costs are impossible if you get sick, even if you're covered these days. That doesn't affect every young person directly, but it does indirectly. Health care sucked when I was young, but I did have employer paid plans (covered completely by my employer) that had no deductibles. Imagine that.
We weren't saddled with student loan debt because if you could steam up the back window of a car, you could get a Pell Grant. Hell, I even got food stamps when I was in college.
Then Reagan came and fucked it all up and we're still locked in his world. With the added gift of racist ninnies storming capitol buildings (remember, Michigan happened before D.C.).
The technology angle will be fine, but you sure as hell better make sure it isn't controlled by the same people that are controlling it now. You need to take control of it somehow, even if you have to go all Mr. Robot on their ass.