It's frustrating. Because in order to have a valid debate, representatives of each side need to begin with a premise based on facts of some kind, even if only a loose interpretation.
I agree with 95% of what you write, but when I disagree, I at least know you are starting from a valid premise. So I could easily have a debate with you about something. But not these people.
Years ago, even conservatives could sort of debate with some facts. Or, when they didn't have facts (the myth of trickle down economics comes to mind), they could at least talk some economic theory.
But these hooligans don't even pretend to carry around with any real knowledge of ANYTHING.
And yet, like you say, they are so good at branding their talking points, such as they are, that they convince their followers of things based on pure lunacy.
When I see AOC, and compare her to Greene, it is almost like two different species of humans.