Interesting. My novel MagicLand takes place about 2,000 years after the Third Eradication.
The three eradications took place because the one percent decided that the rest of humanity was just too much bother. Why deal with 2 billion hungry, angry climate refugees when you can just eradicate them? So they developed a biobot that targeted certain groups of people in the first eradication, and then, eventually, everyone else.
We think these things can't happen. But they already have.
In fact, we're probably only a few years away from this possibility: A DeSantis type wins the presidency, gins up hate towards transgenders, and introduces a culling process to remove them. All it takes is the installation of enough fear. The rest is easy.
I dunno. Maybe we should be glad CPAC has lost all vestiges of subtlety. Their intent is pretty out in the open now. How will we respond?