I'm not quite as far removed from Millennials as Ridley, but I'm gettin' there.
And I ask Ridley to consider this question:
Who the hell wants to watch two graphic rape scenes on a 20,000 foot wide theater screen and with an audio system that God would have a hard time reproducing?
I only know this because I actually did read your review, and that's enough for me to stay away.
I mean, seriously. Who wants to watch that?
At least if it's streaming you can fast forward past it. But in the theater you're only choice is to throw something at the screen. Talk about a captive audience.
Violence in general is popular because everyone can sort of relate to the fantasy of lopping off someone's head in a fit of pique. But that other thing?
No, I don't think it's only millennials who don't want to see that .
And don't Game of Thrones me. One, that kind of stuff wasn't part of Game of Thrones' finest moments, and two: >>