I'm glad to be seeing a few more articles like this kicking around. The old Christianity, the original message, got crushed by the early Christian church, and never made its way back.
For a long time I dismissed A Course of Miracles, partly because its biggest cheerleader is someone I don't really trust, Marianne Williamson (I'm too lazy to Google the spelling, sorry).
But I finally tackled the dense text on my own, and I believe it was really channeled by J.C. himself.
He explains what he calls the atonement, and says we got it all wrong.
A Course in Miracles has dozens and dozens of daily lessons that all circle around two things: love and forgiveness. Those are the only messages Jesus shared, too.
My point is not to convert folks to A Course in Miracles. My point is to agree with this column and point out that Christianity's message is almost the exact opposite of what most Christians believe it is.