I'm concerned because I've been working closely with Ukrainians for about 10 months and sort of consider them family. I think the rest of the west is concerned, rightly or wrongly, because they have embraced the European economy.
I don't see two sides to this. Putin is the aggressor and a souless thug.
There will be atrocities on both sides. There will never be a war fought, especially an urban war like this one, where there are no atrocities. I'm not excusing it. But it's a fact of life, deaith, and war.
I am concerned about the Azov battalion, especially if Ukraine comes out of this as the winner. They'll do everything they can to take credit. I have seen them mutliple times on CNN and the New York Times, and they aren't referenced as "The ultranationalist Azov Battalion " or the "neo-Nazi Azov Battalion." Just the "Azov Battalion."
So I agree we should not gloss over these aspects of the war.
But we wouldn't be having this discussion without Putin's invasion. And now that he's losing his war, he's bombing civilians indiscriminately like he did in Syria. I'm not okay with this.
I've always been a pacifist. Putin makes me question my pacifism, which is quite a trick.