I'm a Christian, but I took a bass ackwards way to get there. I rejected it almost my entire adult life, precisely because of the hypocrisies you mention.
Late in life, I discovered how it really is supposed to work. Ironically, I've decided that the atheists among us are among the most moral people we have. They recognize how the hypocrisies of so many practicing Christians results in so much ugliness. If Jesus was alive today, he'd be in gay pride parades and marching with BLM protesters. He avoided the privileged, and embraced the oppressed.
It's a shame that Christo-nationalists have ruined two words: Christianity, and Patriotism. When I see someone claim they're a Patriot these days, I assume they're a racist Christo-nationalist who wants to ban books and attack the LGBTQ+ community.
What a crazy world.