I'd argue that the battle for a minimum wage, such as it is, goes back 400+ plus years in this country.
Many businesses wouldn't be able to thrive without relying on labor at substandard wages. Many businesses would have failed during the nation's early years if they hadn't ridden on the backs of slaves.
Mistreatment of workers and low/sometimes no pay is how capitalism thrives. Businesses have not proven that they can not be profitable without it.
And if they can't get their cheap labor here, corporations just outsource factories in Asia where people, including sometimes children, work for a pittance in China - often under toxic conditions, or where buildings topple down on top of poorly paid textile workers in Bangladesh.
But Americans want their iPhones and Christmas sweaters. So no changes will come. If iPhones reflected the labor costs of a fairly paid, well treated work force, they'd either cost $10,000, or Apple would have to suffer such a huge profit loss that their stock would tank.
I don't mean to pick on Apple. It's true across almost all industries and nations. Some poor lady in Bangladesh has lost a couple fingers and her cousin had masonry fall on her head so that you could all buy that cute Christmas sweater, or so that I can purchase that cheap sweatshirt I found online that some exhausted Amazon driver dropped off at my house.