I was a Compuserve guy, lol. And then AOL after that.
I don't think it is just you that has changed, though, right? Transgenders at a prom was definitely not a thing in my day. At least, not transitioned. What a struggle it must have been. One of these days I'll look for a book written by someone who had to deal with that. I'm sure there's a few out there. So we've made a lot of progress.
I wasn't fully aware of the pushback the transgender community gets until a friend of mine here in Georgia started the process. He has halted his transition because he's concerned about Georgia lawmakers going on a bender. I knew there were a lot of Christo-nationalists barking about the trans lifestyle, but the virulence has surprised me (It shouldn't, I guess).
I have no idea what happened to my friend. Last I heard was about a decade ago, she was off doing some work for the forest service or something up near Klamath, CA. She went by she/her most of the time, with an occasional "they" thrown in (even back then, if I remember right, which I may not). I usually just say "they" if I don't know. We weren't super close, just got along great. We were part of a small group of friends and I heard where she was through the grapevine. I never worried much about it. She has always been a very happy soul.