I thought I was a lot rougher on leftists than centrists, here. In fact, I made a point of mocking the concept of the two evils argument used by leftists to argue against voting for a centrist. That was actually the point of the article.
If the article didn't come across as a rebuke to my fellow lefties that it's time to grow up a little, because we will probably, generally, always have two centrists to choose from (after Trump is gone, assuming he loses), then I'm afraid I did a bad job in this article and I owe an apology.
I will also agree that nobody owes anyone their vote. My point was that if Trump wins, there will be severe ramifications, existential ones, that we will unlikely be able to dig ourselves out from.
None of us will have time to worry about who voted for who, or to take names. It will be a fight for survival for all but a few, and all of those worries will be moot.