I personally favor the alternative world I created for my upcoming novel, Restive Souls, a world where slaves were emancipated after the failed Revolutionary War, a great African nation arose in the majority Black Carolinas, and the world was a more egalitarian society by the time of my tangentially related novella - set in more modern times than Restive Souls -- The Trial of Summary James (only 99 cents on Amazon - less than your morning latte!). In such an alternative world, fanciful though it may be, Blacks have much more say over their fate, including gun laws.
Overall, I am unable to celebrate the spread of guns for any reason, and I hope we as a nation can at least revisit the spread of high capacity magazine type weapons, but I am not optimistic, which is one reason I enjoy writing about alternative worlds, since ours is so messed up!
Apologies for the self-promotion, but I couldn't resist based on the topic.