I often wonder what might have happened if, before you became a most excellent example for the presidency (I didn’t always agree but who does?), the United States had taken a benevolent approach toward the Middle East. What if instead of the Saudis funding schools, we had, instead?
Our rapacious thirst for oil, still clung to by so many, ultimately led us to this neverending feud with the Taliban and their misogyny. We seem to have forgotten how to win with ideas. So we bring in our battering ram and punch away endlessly, wondering why we don’t win hearts and minds.
President Biden inherited a lot of messes. Good that he is bailing out, but we can still help there, I hope, in more benign ways. Else all those lives were lost for nothing, and the Taliban will resume control. And we know what that looks like.
I’m looking forward to your SCOTUS term!