I mostly want to know what the kid in the blue shirt is saying to be getting the dirty look from the boy in the front row. Is he saying, "So, I read Umair yesterday and the world is about to end?" Maybe it's just me, but the kid in front looks like he's gonna roll the speaking kid after class.
On a more serious note, Umair and Ms. Wildfire are like anyone else on Medium. If you don't enjoy their work, don't read them. I'm not really understanding all the hand-wringing over them, but i'm sure they appreciate the attention and extra eyeball or two that result from articles about them.
I agree that Umair and Ms. Wildfire are yelling in an echo chamber, but that's a larger problem that can't be solved by a critique on the authors.
As for your efforts on democracy, I'm with others here who say that they look interesting, but they take a time commitment to understand them well. The problem with that is that people don't have time like that to spare on something they may or may not agree with.
To take hold, something like that needs about a one paragraph explanation. This is not a critique of your efforts - it's a critique of modern society.
Everyone wants the crib notes and a tweet-size explanation.
People do love podcasts. Have you considered that?