I liked the first few episodes, but I felt like the series devolved into female torture porn. It is very well acted, at least the first two seasons I saw.
It was completely missing the point Atwood was trying to make, though, I thought. When I read the book, and it was such a long time ago I couldn't talk about it intelligently anymore without re-reading it, but I remember being left with the sensation that modern fundamentalist Christians are not so far apart from the villains in the novel. That, if they could, they'd happily create a white ethno-state based on their warped form of revenge Christianity.
We are still underestimating these people. Just look at who is now in the leadership positions of the U.S. House of Representatives. Look at who is running Texas.
A lot of Allison's writings rightfully express frustration that whites are too quiet and tolerant of oppression.