I didn’t say that the Democratic Party was the home of workers and populists. What I said was that I’d like it to “become a true progressive party again”. It hasn’t been since FDR’s days. Trump absolutely tapped into worker angst. He was nothing but a complainer and a whiner, though, and got nothing done on their behalf. This is a moment for Democrats to seize. I doubt they’ll be smart enough to do so, but it would be nice if they did.
I hear what you are saying about multiple parties, but American history is full of temporary experiments. The Do Nothings, the Whigs, etc. Abraham Lincoln ran under the National Union Party for re-election. Third parties happen all the time before everything coalesces back into the two party system.
The Democratic Party of the civil war was more like today’s Republican Party. They supported slavery. They actually originated as something called the Democratic-Republican Party, which was, like today’s Republican Party, in favor of a weak central (federal) government, rather than a strong one like today’s Democratic Party favors.
Party names change, third parties emerge and disappear and/or merge with other parties. It’s part of history. It’ll happen again, most likely.
In fact, if Democrats don’t get their act together, the Republican Party may become the party of working people. It isn’t now, even though it is attracting them. To hold on to them, it may become so.