I dated a woman for three years who woke up screaming on a regular basis. Her abuser was a very prominent preacher, her step father, who did things that I can't describe in a public forum.
I really wanted to stick it out with her but she just had too much difficulty controlling her sexual appetite outside the relationship. She tried like hell, but she just couldn't get there. Not her fault. I still regret not being a better partner — I was young, and if I had been a little more attentive I think she might have been fine. It's hard to know, of course.
We need to better educate young people about how to handle folks who have been through this kind of trauma. If I knew what I know now, 30+ years later, it might have all gone differently.
But we don't even educate people to deal well with their own abuse, much less their partners'.
I didn't know about these strange exceptions to basic law. That's really weird, especially in light of the Baptist and Catholic priest scandals.