I could write an article like that and replace Course in Miracles with any kind of religion and/or spiritual methodology on earth.
I'd call the article, "Don't be a dumb ass."
If you get into a spiritual bubble of any kind and refuse medical treatment, you're a dumb ass. If you worship the leaders of whatever religion you are following, you are a dumb ass.
If you convince yourself over time that it is the only book and set of ideas you need, you are a dumb ass.
If it becomes your totalizing worldview, you are a dumb ass.
If you refuse to seek out psychotherapy, addiction treatment, medical treatment, social services, and even alimony and child support because you are influenced by a book, be it the Course or the Bible, you are a dumb ass.
Should I continue?
That may sound harsh, but it's just the truth.
I can report on many, many more people who have fallen into the cult of obscenely driven Christianity than have fallen into some kind of trap through the Course in Miracles book.
Any religion or offshoot of religion has the potential for cultishness. It's sort of basic to the whole concept.
I don't view the Course as an end all. The Gospels, for me, supersede everything, including the Course.
It's just another tool in the arsenal.