I absolutely agree with you on Putin. This aspect is downplayed somewhat, I suppose because his military has a few thousand ICBMs pointed at us, but for a variety of other reasons as well. Trump was literally an attack on the U.S..
Putin's cyber intelligence unit in St. Petersburg is still at work. Nothing has changed there.
Sometimes you even see a few of them here on Medium (accounts with no profile pics, one or two followers, and Trumpian talking points).
A lot of people are rightly afraid of war with Russia. Sadly, we are at war with Russia. I'm afraid it won't end until something really nasty happens, like an electrical grid in one of the two countries going dark, or something equally catastrophic. As usual, the victims are the civilians.
In the Soviet era, they had a military who mostly wanted to avoid war. Putin probably does, too, but he's already started one, and I think that's how Biden views all of this. He seems considerably smarter than I gave him credit for during the primaries, so there's some hope there.