Fifty-five. You're a young man still at fifty-five.
I was a software engineer - well, still sort of am - trying to retire but interesting work still pops up my way at the ripe old age of 64.
I published my first novel in December 2021, and I have two more I've just completed.
I'm just getting started.
I don't think I could have written these novels without having the understanding of certain "things" that I didn't comprehend as a young man.
Some brilliant authors are gifted with an uncommon gift of understanding, but many of us need to experience life in order to properly express its subtleties.
Never give up. Do everything you can to stay healthy. Work out, eat well, quit the booze if you like that kind of thing (it's a young person's drink). And if you have a dream, go for it, no matter what society says.
Thanks for the article.