Excellent post. A true evangelical Christian doesn't insist that others become Christian (they simply try to live by example) and they sure don't try to push a bleached Jesus onto the rest of the world.
As for the right wing Facebook warriors who managed to get your post removed, expect more of this. My personal belief is that Steve Bannon (the anarchist who brought us Cambridge Analytica) and/or his army of American insurrectionists are back in business in a big way.
It is up to those of us on the left of the political spectrum to figure out their methodology and how to strike back.
When Trump got elected, we learned after the fact about Cambridge Analytica and its deep impact on social media. They had the advantage because we weren't aware of their methods or existence.
Now, we know their game.
I'm seeing the same process happening again. Hordes of Bannonesque trolls hitting every public forum in sight.
If people don't consider this an existential threat (yes, I'm a fan of hyperbole but this isn't an example of it) then they have already forgotten how Trump won the first election (okay, he DID get help from Scarborough but that's another post).