At first, after reading this, I thought, "The last thing Americans need is easier access to pharmaceuticals," given the scope of Americans' dependency on them.
Most people my age (60s) have multiple prescriptions, each with side-effects that trigger the need for other prescriptions.
But then I thought, a different model is exactly what we need because it would do two things covered in this article: It would give providers more time to deal with medical issues in a more useful way, and two, it would destroy the predatory model of pharm companies, which are, essentially (as noted in the article), drug pushers.
Your observations regarding opiates was particularly on point.
I think disinformation will continue to be a problem no matter what model is used, and if anything, could be worse under a system like this, but nothing really can be worse than our current system, anyway, right?
I also think that, combined with something like this, all recreational drugs should be legalized so that the cartels that control most of their distribution no longer have a product to sell in the U.S. Who would then sell these drugs on the street? I don't know. That's a tough question to answer but we need to end this "war on drugs". I say that as someone who doesn't use any street drugs (or pharms, actually).