As always, I loved the writing. But I think you give U.S. politicians a little too much credit. To pull off conspiracies to the level you suggest suggests that politicians are much more intelligent than they really are. That profession does not attract the best and the brightest.
People point to the Lauren Boeberts, Marjorie Taylor Greenes and Louie Gohmerts of the world for their stupidity as if they are outliers. But the truth is they are only a shade dumber than the Bidens and Bushes of the world. And compared to their peers in the House, there is barely a whit of difference.
George Bush Sr was supposed to have been pretty scholarly, but he really wasn't very bright, either. Clinton and Obama were pretty sharp, but unless I am terrible at reading people, I can't imagine Obama being in on this. I can imagine Clinton being in on anything, of course.
Granted, it matters more if I actually meet someone, and I have obviously never met Obama. Maybe if I met him and looked him in the eyes, I'd realize he was a snake, too.
I do think the Saudis were the masterminds, but I'm not as convinced of a great conspiracy in the style of a Trilateral Commission (which was the best conspiracy of them all if you love conspiracy theories).
Conspiracies like that are too big to keep quiet, even in a police state like the U.S.
Most likely, the federal 9/11 lawsuit will eventually implicate the perps. It is being lawyered by some very, very good attorneys who have been clawing away at this for years.
But in the end, the Saudis will be found responsible, and nothing will still really come of it. It's been 20 years. I don't think the youth in this country much cares about 9/11.
I wish the problems in America were as simple as these grand conspiracy theories but the disease that eats through America is much subtler and nefarious, which makes it that much harder to address.
But damn, I sure like the way you write!