As a Christian myself who agrees with your general assessment, I would argue that humans are responsible for the horrors they bring, not whatever gods they believe in. You may not believe in Jesus, which in my own personal view is fine (unlike most Christians, I don't believe that non-belief sends people into some kind of hell), but Christians don't really believe in him, either, based on their representations of his teaching, none of which was about exclusion or hate. Quite the opposite. He hung around the oppressed, the prostitutes, the ethnic minorities of his time, and preached love. He was a hippie. Dark-skinned, too.
As a result of a 2,000 year old disinformation campaign (by Christians!), Christianity has a deserved reputation for spreading war and hatred. But at the end of the day, I don't even blame the concept of religion for that. I blame the human desire for power. If there was no religion, they'd find another flag to wave.