Are you trying to tell me that young people don’t fall asleep in long meetings? Ageism isn’t any more acceptable than any other ‘ism.
And yeah, better than Trump is a thing. Trump was a scoundrel beyond measure. Nobody compares to him.
If you want better candidates than Biden, you have to go out and vote in local elections. Elect a hundred AOCs in the house.
Looking at the Minnesota police vote, it looks like young people are back to not voting again. Nobody voted in that election. It was a pitiful display.
You may be tired of the “better than Trump” comparisons, but I’m tired of young people complaining about stuff and then saying they don’t vote because their vote is meaningless.
The only way they can make their vote meaningful is by voting. Did they go out and try to primary out McCaullife in Virginia? Not really. So he gets beat because he’s a poster child for what is wrong with the Democratic Party.
The systemic problems in America would go away if young people would just vote.